Intra-Company Visa

If you work for a multinational organisation and are being transferred to their UK branch to do a skilled job, you may be able to apply under this route.

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What is a Intra-Company visa

The Intra-Company visa, also referred to as ICT visa, has replaced the previous Tier 2 Intra-Company Transfer route, which provides the opportunity for non-British workers who are based overseas to transfer temporarily to the organisation’s UK branch or connected entity on a qualified skilled job. 

Not all UK employers will be able to sponsor migrant workers to apply for a Intra-Company visa. To be able to do this, an employer must first obtain a Sponsor Licence which allows them to issues a Certificate of Sponsorship (COS) to the individual. As the Sponsor Licence application can sometimes be a lengthy process, it is recommended to start the preparation in advance to account for any delays.

The following page will continue with an overview of the Intra-Company visa. If you are an employer looking to transfer overseas workers to your UK branch, you may find more information on our Sponsor Licence page.

General requirements

There are currently two types of Intra-Company visa: Long-Term Staff, and Graduate Trainee.

In order to qualify for a ICT Long-Term Staff visa, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that you meet the following requirements:

  • You are aged 18 or over;
  • You are currently employed by an organisation that has been approved by the Home Office as a Licenced Sponsor;
  • You have worked for your Sponsor, or a business linked to your Sponsor by ownership, outside the UK, for at least 12 months, unless you will earn £73,900 or more in the UK;
  • You have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship issued by your Sponsor for the job you are planning to do;
  • The job you are planning to do is genuine and at an appropriate skill level;
  • You will be paid at least £41,500 or the ‘going rate’ for your job, whichever is higher;
  • Your Sponsor has paid any required Immigration Skills Charge;
  • You have enough money to support yourself without relying on public funds; and
  • You have provided a valid TB certificate, if required.

In order to qualify for a ICT Graduate Trainee visa, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that you meet the following requirements:

  • You are aged 18 or over;
  • You are currently employed by an organisation that has been approved by the Home Office as a Licenced Sponsor;
  • You have worked for your Sponsor, or a business linked to your Sponsor by ownership, outside the UK, for at least 3 months;
  • You have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship issued by your Sponsor for the job you are planning to do;
  • The job you are planning to do is genuine and at an appropriate skill level;
  • You will be paid at least £23,000 or 70% of the ‘going rate’ for your job, whichever is higher;
  • Your Sponsor has paid any required Immigration Skills Charge;
  • You have enough money to support yourself without relying on public funds; and
  • You have provided a valid TB certificate, if required.

The exact requirements you will need to satisfy may vary depending on your circumstances. You may want to speak to an immigration specialist for expert advice.

How long can you stay in the UK

Under ICT Graduate Trainee category, if successful, you will be granted a visa for the duration in line with the work start and end dates specified on your Certificate of Sponsorship, up to a maximum of one year.

Under ICT Long-Term Staff category, if successful, you will be a visa for the duration in line with the work start and end dates specified on your Certificate of Sponsorship, up to a maximum of 5 years each time.

At the end of your initial visa. you may be able to apply for further leave to remain provided you can obtain a new Certificate of Sponsorship from your Sponsor.

You can stay under ICT Long Term Staff route for a cumulative total of 5 years in any 6-year period. This is unless you are a high earner, in which case the maximum period is a cumulative total of 9 years in any 10-year period.

Both categories under the Intra-Company route will not lead to settlement in the UK.


Your family members (spouse/partner and any children under 18) can come with you. They will need to apply for a Dependant visa and if successful, will be granted a visa in line with yours.

Processing time and application fees 

If you are applying from outside of the UK, the standard fee will be:

  • £625 (up to 3-year visa)
  • £1,235 (more than 3-year visa)

If you are applying from inside the UK, the standard fee will be:

  • £719 (up to 3-year visa)
  • £1,423 (more than 3-year visa)

If you are applying for ICT Graduate Trainee, the standard fee will be £482 per person.

Applicants will also need to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge as part of the application, set at £624 per year (or £470 per year for Student / Youth Mobility Scheme / applicant under 18). 

Applications from outside of the UK usually take 3 weeks to process, while from within the UK it usually takes 8 weeks.

Priority service may be available for in-country applications and entry clearance applications made from certain countries, subject to availability and an additional priority fee.

How we can help

Our knowledgeable and experienced immigration team can:

  • Assess your case and advise whether you are eligible to apply
  • Provide you with a tailored & comprehensive document list
  • Review all your documents and advise on necessary amendments
  • Suggest on how to improve your application
  • Complete your application forms in accordance with the UKVI requirements
  • Assist you to complete the application submission process
  • Provide our representation letter to support your application with necessary legal arguments
  • Liaise with UKVI on your behalf

Depending on your need and budget, we have different levels of services that you may choose from. Check out Our Services to see which one is for you. 

Want to discuss your case with an immigration specialist? Contact Us now.

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