Adult Dependant Visa

As the parent, grandparent, sibling or adult child of someone who is a British citizen, having Indefinite Leave to Remain, or having pre-settled / settled status in the UK, you may apply under this route.

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What is a Adult Dependant visa

The Adult Dependant visa provides the opportunity for a non-British national to join their qualifying relative(s) in the UK – the latter is known as their ‘UK sponsor’.

To apply under this category, the non-British must be over the age of 18 and related to their UK sponsor as a parent, grandparent, brother,  sister, son, or daughter.

The UK sponsor must also be one of the followings:

  • a British or Irish citizen;
  • having settled in the UK - for example, they have indefinite leave to remain, or settled status;
  • having limited leave to remain under Appendix EU or limited leave to remain under Appendix ECAA;
  • having a Turkish Businessperson visa or Turkish Worker visa; or
  • having refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK. 

General requirements

In order to qualify for a Adult Dependant visa, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that you meet the following requirements:

  • As a result of age, illness or disability, you require long-term personal care to complete everyday tasks, including personal and household tasks;
  • You are unable, even with the practical and financial help of your family member in the UK, to obtain the required level of care in the country where you are living because it is not available and there is no person (close relative, home-help, housekeeper, nurse, carer, care or nursing home) in your country who can reasonably provide it, or because it is not affordable;
  • You will be adequately maintained, accommodated and cared for in the UK by your family member, without recourse to public funds; 
  • If you are the UK sponsor’s parent or grandparent you must not be in a subsisting relationship with a partner unless that partner is also the UK sponsor’s parent or grandparent and is applying for entry clearance at the same time as you.

This is a difficult visa to obtain successfully, as all various elements have to be proved to a high standard. The refusal rate for this route is significantly higher than other usual family visa routes.

The exact requirements you will need to satisfy will vary depending on your circumstances. You may want to speak to an immigration specialist for expert advice.

How long can you stay in the UK

Applications under this route can only be made from outside of the UK. If successful you will be granted Indefinite Leave to Remain, which means you do not need to apply for any extension or settlement. You can stay in the UK indefinitely.

Processing time and application fees 

This visa takes approximately 12 weeks to be processed by UKVI, although, as it is a complex visa category, this can often be extended.

The current application fee is £3,250.

How we can help

Our knowledgeable and experienced immigration team can:

  • Assess your case and advise whether you are eligible to apply
  • Provide you with a tailored & comprehensive document list
  • Review all your documents and advise on necessary amendments
  • Suggest on how to improve your application
  • Complete your application forms in accordance with the UKVI requirements
  • Assist you to complete the application submission process
  • Provide our representation letter to support your application with necessary legal arguments
  • Liaise with UKVI on your behalf

Depending on your need and budget, we have different levels of services that you may choose from. Check out Our Services to see which one is for you. 

Want to discuss your case with an immigration specialist? Contact Us now.

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