Innovator Visa

If you are an entrepreneur, and would like to set up and run an innovative business in the UK, you may apply under this route.

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What is an Innovator visa

The Innovator visa provides the opportunity for individuals who are experienced businesspersons to set up and run a new business in the UK which is innovative, viable and scalable. 

In most cases, applicants will need to have access to at least £50,000 to invest in the business, unless the business was already established and endorsed for an earlier visa, or the business is changing as agreed by the endorsing body. 

As the same as for Start-Up visa, the applicants will need to have a good business plan and demonstrate that their business idea is:

  • new - you cannot join in a business that is already trading
  • innovative - you must have an original business idea which is different from anything else on the market
  • viable - it has potential for growth

General requirements

In order to qualify for a Innovator visa, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that you meet the following requirements:

  • You are at least 18 years old;
  • You have at least £50,000 available to invest in your UK business or have already invested £50,000 in your UK business (unless you are switching from Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur or Start-up category to pursue the same business venture, or extending as an existing Innovator to pursue the same business venture and, in both cases, you have shown significant achievements judged against your business plan);
  • If applying to set up a new business venture, you must have been endorsed by an approved UK endorsing body that has positively assessed your business idea for innovation, viability and scalability and is satisfied that you will spend your entire working time in the UK on developing your business venture;
  • If applying to continue the same business venture as in your initial application, you must have been endorsed by an approved UK endorsing body that is satisfied that you have shown significant achievements judged against the business plan assessed in your previous endorsement, you are registered with Companies House as a director or member of your business, your business is active, trading and appears sustainable for at least the following 12 months, you have had an active key role in the day-to-day management and development of the business and you will spend your entire working time in the UK on developing your business ventures;
  • Your endorsement letter was issued not more than 3 months before the date of your Innovator visa application;
  • You genuinely intend to undertake, and are capable of undertaking, any work or business activity in the UK stated in your application;
  • You are competent in the English language to at least CEFR Level B2 (equivalent to IELTS 5.5 in reading, writing, listening and speaking);
  • If you are outside the UK or have been in the UK for less than 12 months then you have at least £1,270 to support yourself, plus £285 for a dependent partner, £315 for a first child and £200 for each additional child.

The exact requirements you will need to satisfy may vary depending on your circumstances. You may want to speak to an immigration specialist for expert advice.

Endorsing body

Only approved bodies in the UKVI published list can provide valid endorsement for you. The endorsing body will need to be satisfied that your business idea meets all of the  following requirements:

  • Innovation: You have a genuine, original business plan that meets new or existing market needs and/or creates a competitive advantage;
  • Viability: You the necessary skills, knowledge, experience and market awareness to successfully run the business;
  • Scalability: Your business plan shows evidence of structured planning and potential for job creation and growth into national and international markets.

If your application for endorsement is approved by the endorsing body, you will be issued with a Innovator visa endorsement letter, which you must submit as part of your visa application.

If you are applying to continue the same business as in your initial application, you will also need to demonstrate significant achievements judged against the business plan assessed in your previous endorsement.

Throughout your Innovator visa duration, you will need to stay in contact with your endorsing body. The endorsing body will review your business at 6 / 12 / 24 months to see if there is reasonable progress. If they are not satisfied, they may withdraw your endorsement which will result in your visa being cut short by UKVI.

How long can you stay in the UK

If successful, your Innovator visa will be granted for maximum 3 years with the possibility for further extension. There is no limit on the number of times you can extend under this route.

After you have completed 3 years in the UK under this route. you may be able to apply for settlement in the UK provided certain criteria are met.


Your family members (spouse/partner and any children under 18) can come with you. They will need to apply for a Dependant visa and if successful, will be granted a visa in line with yours.

Processing time and application fees 

For applications made from outside of the UK, the current visa application fee is £1,036. The application will usually be processed within 3 weeks.

For applications made from within the UK, the current visa application fee is £1,292. The application will usually be processed within 8 weeks.

Priority service may be available for in-country applications and entry clearance applications made from certain countries, subject to availability and an additional priority fee.

Applicants will also need to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge as part of the application, set at £624 per year (or £470 per year for Student / Youth Mobility Scheme / applicant under 18). 

Please note, the endorsing body may also charge a fee for the necessary assessment, assistance, and regular review after endorsement.

How we can help

Our knowledgeable and experienced immigration team can:

  • Assess your case and advise whether you are eligible to apply
  • Provide you with a tailored & comprehensive document list
  • Review all your documents and advise on necessary amendments
  • Suggest on how to improve your application
  • Complete your application forms in accordance with the UKVI requirements
  • Assist you to complete the application submission process
  • Provide our representation letter to support your application with necessary legal arguments
  • Liaise with UKVI on your behalf

Depending on your need and budget, we have different levels of services that you may choose from. Check out Our Services to see which one is for you. 

Want to discuss your case with an immigration specialist? Contact Us now.

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