Documents Checking

If you are happy to prepare your own application but worried if you have all the correct supporting documents or filled out your application form properly, why not have them checked by our immigration specialist before you make the formal submission. We will thoroughly review your work based on our years of experience, and advise you of any changes your application may need.

Is this for you  

This service is suitable for individuals who already know which application they need to make and understand how to make it, but have some remaining questions or need the reassurance from an expert. You should be able to complete the majority of the application form and prepare the necessary documents yourself.

If you are still navigating through the various immigration options, or finding it difficult to prepare your own application, we would recommend you to use our Consultation service instead and start from there. 

Why choose us

We understand that the UK immigration rules, procedures and policies are not easy to navigate. Even though you are confident in preparing and submitting the application yourself, you may still feel unsure if everything is completed correctly or if you have gathered the right documents to meet all the mandatory requirements. Considering the amount of government fees on the line and the serious consequences for getting it wrong, having your application reviewed by an immigration expert before submission to the Home Office can help you avoid costly mistakes and minimise the risk of refusal.

Here at VIC Immigration, our specialists have over 10 years of experience dealing with a broad range of applications and secured hundreds of approvals. We will thoroughly review your application form and supporting documents, advise if there are any missing items or changes required, and make suggestions on how to address any weak areas of your application. You will be going away with the peace of mind that you are making an application with the best chances to succeed.

Compared to the Full Application service, this is also a more cost-effective way to get professional immigration assistance, as our checking fee can be as low as £350 for a single applicant. The cost for the service is subject to the type of application you are making and the volume of documents that need to be reviewed. Get in touch with us now and receive a free quotation for your application. 

How to start

Once you have fully prepared your application and collected all the documents you plan to submit, you can book our checking service by email, telephone, or completing the short Contact Form on our website. Please do specify which type of application you are making and how many applicants are included (Note each dependant will count as one applicant). You will get a free quotation from us.

If you confirm you are happy to proceed, a member of our team will contact you so that you can send us all your documents including a downloaded full copy of your draft application form.

Upon receipt of all your documents, your dedicated immigration specialist will review everything and provide you with our detailed feedback within 5 working days. 

What to expect 

Your application will be reviewed by one of our OISC registered immigration advisors who will:

  • Check your draft application form and all supporting documents. 
  • Point out any mistakes that may otherwise lead to a refusal.
  • Advise any changes needed in your online application.
  • Advise on any additional, replacement or alternative documents to support your case.
  • Address any relevant concerns you may have.
  • Suggest on how to improve your application if there are any weak areas.
  • Recommend practical steps to help you maximise the chances of getting a successful outcome. 

A few tips

The best time to use this service is when you feel your application is ready for submission, but not yet submitted. As we charge per application per review, to make the most of it, you should make sure your application is as complete as possible when you have it checked.

On the other hand, do not submit the online application yet. Once you have submitted the online form, no amendments can be made even if you realise there are any mistakes. If the error is critical, in the worst scenario you may have to withdraw it and make a new application.

Last but not the least, do not leave it to the last minute! Your visa may be expiring soon, or you have a particular submission deadline. Although our turnaround time is usually within 5 working days and we can prioritise on urgency basis, we do recommend our clients to contact us at least two weeks before their planned submission date, to leave some time for correcting / collecting new documents. 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We are committed and result driven. We value your trust and will return in honesty. Let us know your needs exactly so that we can  do our best to help. 

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