Application Service

To make the most of our expertise, you can engage us to manage the complete application process for you. We will guide you through preparation, submission, and provide our bespoke legal representation letter to go in with your application. Throughout the process you will have unlimited access to your dedicated immigration specialist who can answer all your questions about the case.

How it works  

First of all, contact us. Reach out to us via phone, email, or the online form. Tell us about your circumstances, goals, and concerns as applicable. Based on what you tell us, if we believe we can help we will confirm a fee quote for you to consider.

Instruct us, if you are happy to proceed. We will send you an engagement letter (Client Care Letter) setting out our terms and conditions, which requires your signature to confirm your agreement.

Once we receive your instructions, we will commence working on your case. Dependant on the type of application, the process may vary, but a typical application service would include the followings:

  • Stage 1 – Assess and Advice

Our specialist will complete an assessment of your case, advise you on the process, and provide you with a tailored documents list for you to collate.

  • Stage 2 – Review and Preparation

Once you have gathered your supporting documents and provided all electronic copies to us, we will thoroughly review them and recommend if you need to provide anything further to improve your case. We will then prepare the application form(s) and email it to you for review and approval.

This may involve some back and forth communications, and we are likely to have more interactions during this stage.

  • Stage 3 – Complete Submission

Once you are happy with the finalised application, we will assist you to complete the formal submission of application form and supporting documents together with our detailed legal cover letter representing your case.

Post submission, we continue to act as your legal representative until the application is decided. We will keep you informed in a timely manner should the Home Office contact us for any queries. In most cases you can simply wait for the Home Office to confirm their decision, and we will be happily joining you in celebrating a successful outcome.

Fixed professional fees


Dependent on your application, the price range for this service may vary. So we do need to know a little more about you before we can advise. Before you instruct us, we will confirm what our fees will be and you will pay fixed fees as agreed upon. We also offer payment plans where the fees are divided and you only pay upon us completing each stage as mentioned above. 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We are committed and result driven. We value your trust and will return in honesty. Let us know your needs exactly so that we can  do our best to help. 

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